
Greenview Ridge has four committees. These are the Landscape, Pool/Tennis Courts/Amenities, Activities and Architectural Control committees.  These committees are always looking for active, energetic and willing neighbors to volunteer where they have interest.  Below is the contact information for each committee chair.

Please contact if you are interested in getting involved.                          


Architectural Control Committee:1   Justin Dusselier- VP

                                      Members:     Jason Ray(2023-2025) 

                                                            TJ Norman(2023-2025)

                                                            Carolyn Swenson(2024-2026)

                                                             Lisa Angelotti(2024-2026)

                                                            Jeff Zeller(2024-2026) 

Landscape2                                          Tyler Craig

Pool/Tennis Courts/Amenities            Danielle Mcleod

Activities                                               Danielle Mcleod and Sarah Katsabulas



1Refer to the Architectural Improvements Form in the Documents section of the website for additional information on Greenview Ridge Bylaws and Architectural Control Committee duties.  


2Purpose of the Landscape Committee: The Landscape Committee's primary role will be to help maintain the existing green spaces and landscaped areas of Greenview Ridge, The Villas & The Estates. The committee will trim shrubs, remove debris and generally provide manpower when needed. The committee is intended to be proactive to prevent complaints and to have a voice in areas that need improvement within our community. If we are on a tight budget, then we will volunteer our labor, tools and expertise to get the job done. This can be a great way for the community to come together and to generate curbside appeal that makes us proud.